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楼主: joycesun920

[分享] [分享]F.I.R.今天全員出現在新加坡喔!

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-21 06:55
  • 签到天数: 342 天

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    发表于 2009-6-14 01:32:02 | 显示全部楼层

    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2009-6-14 07:38:31 | 显示全部楼层
    我将更新所有的FIR之旅( 2009.06.12-15 )这个职位..

    2009.06.12 (Friday) 2009年6月12号(星期五)
    today aftter work, i rushed to the airport..今天aftter工作,我赶到机场..
    i was planning to take cab in the first place,我计划采取驾驶室摆在首位,
    but i think i can make it by bus so i took bus instead..但我想我可以使公共汽车,所以我在公共汽车而不是..
    on the way there, i was watching zettai kareshi..道路上有,我看绝对kareshi ..
    its making me car-sick..它使我的汽车生病..
    luckily i was just in time..幸好我只是在时间..
    they psycho-ed me for the car chasing..他们的心理教育署我的汽车追逐..
    the other gals will join if i'm on..其他三角旗号将加入如果我对..
    *pressure* *压力*
    i used faye for my answer..我用我的答案菲..
    'if she still remember my name, i'll chase..!!' '如果她还记得我的名字,我会大通..!!'
    in the end, she forgot and the guys gave hints..最后,她忘记了和球员给予提示..
    *THAT'S NOT FAIR..!!!* *这不公平..!!!*
    but i still went up the van.. *sigh*但我仍然上升面包车.. *叹*

    forgot to mention about seeing them at the first sight..忘记提到关于看到他们在第一眼看到..
    we saw vaness too..!! not much fans came to fetch him..我们看到太多.. vaness !没有多少球迷来撷取他..
    he's cool.. dont think he talked much to his fans..他的冷静..不认为他谈到许多他的球迷..

    next saw laoshi first. (as usual..)明年第一次看到老师。 (像往常一样.. )
    he didnt gave us any expressions..他给我们任何didn't表达..
    he was too busy on his phone..!!他太忙了,他的电话.. ! !
    too many people to contact..太多的人联系..
    waited quite a while for faye and qin to appear..等待相当长的一段时间为王菲和秦出现..
    QIN!!! when he appeared, we screamed...!!秦!当他出现,我们尖叫...!!
    his hair was totally blond and straight..!!!他的头发完全是金发碧眼直..!!!
    he's too bright..!!!! when he saw us, he waved..他太亮..!!!!当他看到我们,他兴奋地挥手..
    faye too.. she was just following behind qin..菲太..她只是尾随秦..
    still the faye we know.. she looks so normal..仍是菲我们知道..她看起来正常..

    they spent quite a long time inside as they were waiting for liu geng hong and wife..他们花了相当长的一段时间内,他们正在等待刘耕宏和妻子..
    he's was having fever... *take care*他正在发烧... *照顾*

    chatted a while after they came out..聊了一会儿后,他们来到了..
    .laoshi mentioned qin become old for this hair.. 。老师提到秦岁成为这个头发..
    .laoshi mentioned ru lai sheng zhang again.. 。老师提到如赖张胜再次..
    .i told faye she really become thinner and she replied me i'm even thinner.. 。我告诉她真正成为菲更薄,她回答我,我很甚至更薄..
    (but actually i gain weight..!!!) (但其实我体重增加..!!!)

    followed them to the hotel..随后他们到酒店..
    on the van, we were still so noisy..在货车上,我们还是那么吵..
    talking about how famous uncle roy ROY SHOW is...浅谈如何著名的叔叔罗伊罗展...
    and all rubbish...和所有的垃圾...

    in the hotel..在酒店..
    .asked laoshi why he's here this time? 。老师问他为什么在这里呢?
    .he replied: "for fun.." 。他回答说: “为了好玩.. ”
    .he asked me if we will be going for the performance? 。他问我,如果我们将去的业绩?
    .i said of course.. we havent been seeing their performance for so long.. its a MUST GO..!! 。我说当然..我们havent看到他们的表现如此之久..它是一种必须.. !
    .said good night and stuffs.... 。说晚安,东西....

    uncle roy ROY SHOW told us that laoshi was sitting in the hotel lounge.. 罗伊罗展叔叔告诉我们,老师正坐在酒店的休息室..
    and yes.. its him.. but we didnt walk near as he's talking to another person..和其他是.. ..但我们didn't附近步行,他的谈话给他人..

    waited till for 3 hours to be up...等到3小时将上升...
    uncle roy ROY SHOW suggested we should have our dinner as we were all dying of hunger.. 叔叔罗伊罗展建议我们应该有我们的晚餐,因为我们都是死于饥饿..
    he drove us to have zhu zha tang.. ooohh..!! cho umai..!!他带我们到了朱查唐.. ooohh .. !町umai .. !
    my dad brought me there before..我父亲把我带到那里..
    but i already cant remember the taste of it...但我已经不能忘记它的味道...

    the guys....!!! the 六連宝 !!!六连的家伙....!!!宝藏 !

    we finished all the food.. yumyum..我们完成所有的粮食.. yumyum ..
    thanks uncle roy ROY SHOW for the treat...感谢叔叔罗伊罗展示的治疗...
    next delicious food will be 'bak kut teh'..下一个美味的食物将'肉骨茶' ..
    but dont know when will be the next time..但不知道什么时候会成为下一个时间..
    looking forward...!!!期待...!!!

    2009.06.13 (Saturday) 2009年6月13日(星期六)
    went out since in the morning...走了出去,因为在早晨...

    met mk at yishun to liang court..会见纳拉在顺梁法院..
    i was looking forward to getting the 日刊スポーツ at kino..我盼望着体育日报在电影院..
    but they didnt bring in this newspaper..但他们将在这didn't报..
    meidi-ya too... *sad*美雅太伤心... * *
    i was still happy as there is 20% discount..我还是很高兴有20 %的折扣..
    (and at this time when i'm blogging, neko showed me the picture of the paper..!! IIIIIYYYYYAAAAA~~~~ I WANT THE NEWSPAPER...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (和在这个时候当我的博客,猫显示我的图片文件.. ! IIIIIYYYYYAAAAA 〜 〜 〜 〜我希望报刊...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!)

    after kino, we went to have our lunch...在电影院,我们去了我们的午餐...

    reached Jurong West City Harvest Church..达成裕廊西市丰收教会..
    just in time for their performaces.. they sang Fly Away..正好赶上他们performaces ..他们唱伴你高飞..
    can hardly see them.. after that they had a photography session..很难看到它们..之后,他们有摄影会议..
    mk and i couldnt get to the front so we didnt get a shot..旺角,我couldnt去前线,所以我们didn't获得一杆..
    laoshi saw us and wanted us to go on stage.. hahaa~老师看到我们,要我们去阶段.. hahaa 〜
    but we hand-signed "too far..!!!".. faye gave us a sad face too..但我们的手签署“太远..!!!"..王菲给了我们一个可悲的脸太..
    she's just so lovely.. lolx..她是如此可爱.. lolx ..
    when the session was ending, laoshi was still trying to get us a chance for a shot..当会议结束时,老师仍然是试图让我们有机会一杆..
    laoshi you are still the dearest...!!老师你仍然是最亲爱的...!!
    though in the end, it doesnt work out..但归根结底,它doesn't工作..
    but managed to get a very short chat with faye and laoshi..但得到了一个很短的交谈王菲和老师..

    in the actual performance, they sang Fly Away and Yue Ya Wan..在实际的执行情况,他们唱伴你高飞和乐雅万..
    and we were introduced by Faye to everyone...我们介绍了王菲的每一个人...
    OK.. for that moment, we were famous..!! lolx...行..的那一刻,我们是著名的.. ! Lolx ...
    its just great with those boards with us...它真是太棒了这些板与我们...

    this flight of staircase was making us go CRAZY...!!!这次飞行的楼梯,是使我们发疯...!!!
    its really a long one...!!!它实际上是一个漫长的...!!!

    had ice-cream before getting on uncle roy Roy Show's van...有冰淇淋之前,对舅舅罗伊罗伊显示的面包车...
    yumyum.. ohya.. forgot to mention... yumyum .. ..大谷忘记提到...
    zhenxiong was being called back to report in the camp..镇雄被称为回报告难民营中的..
    and we went around finding the camp area to fetch him..我们到处寻找营区撷取他..
    really had lots of fun in the van..真的有很多乐趣在货车..
    but after that.. almost complete silence...但之后..几乎完全沉默...
    everyone was kinda tired.. some sleeping etc....大家都有点累了一些安眠药等.. ....

    reached Expo... dont plan to go in so we went to have our dinner at the foodcourt..达成博览会...不打算去,所以我们来到了我们的晚餐在foodcourt ..
    only zhenxiong went in to see as he missed the jurong west's performance...只有镇雄去看看,他错过了裕廊西的表现...
    according to him, they sang 3 songs.. Fly Away, Yue Ya Wan and Get High..据他说,他们唱3首歌曲..伴你高飞,乐雅湾和获得高..
    had mee soto... wasnt really hungry so i didnt get to finish it..曾美尔索托... wasn't真的饿了,使我没有去完成它..

    the meet and greet session...在迎接会议...
    nothing much but just only interviews..没有什么,只是唯一的访谈..
    actually there was a photography session..实际上有一个摄影会议..
    but liu geng hong said they had it earlier...但刘耕宏表示,他们已经提前...
    no signing too... luckily didnt bring any albums today..没有签署过...幸运didn't带来任何相册今天..
    but in this event as we were standing at the first row,但在这一事件,因为我们是站在第一排,
    we had lots of eye contacts with faye...我们有很多接触眼睛菲...
    she's just so cute...!! our dear FAYE..!!她是如此可爱...!!我们亲爱的王菲.. !
    they sang one song from their church too..他们唱的一首歌曲由教堂也..
    qin really enjoyed alot..秦真正享有了很多..
    he didnt look so happy before compared to singing their own songs..他看起来非常高兴didn't前相比,歌唱自己的歌曲..
    laoshi didnt know how to sing, so we just went clapping together..老师didn't知道怎么唱,所以我们只是去一起鼓掌..
    hahhaa~~ *quite tense* but laoshi really thank you for coming... hahhaa 〜 〜 * *相当紧张,但老师非常感谢您光临...

    2009.06.14 (Sunday) 2009年6月14日(星期日)
    last day in singapore... we gonnnaaa missss you guys alot...!!!!最后一天在新加坡...我们gonnnaaa missss你们很多...!!!!

    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2009-6-14 10:18:45 | 显示全部楼层

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    发表于 2009-6-14 10:19:30 | 显示全部楼层

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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-11-15 14:04
  • 签到天数: 8 天

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    发表于 2009-6-14 12:02:16 | 显示全部楼层

    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2009-6-14 12:17:25 | 显示全部楼层

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  • TA的每日心情
    2016-8-19 18:14
  • 签到天数: 1 天

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    发表于 2009-6-14 12:26:34 | 显示全部楼层

    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2009-6-14 13:21:13 | 显示全部楼层
    去教会啊   我也是信徒哦~~~~~~

    使用道具 举报


    发表于 2009-6-14 17:52:20 | 显示全部楼层

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    发表于 2009-6-16 14:09:19 | 显示全部楼层

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