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[轉貼] F.I.R. It's My Live World Tour in Malaysia 2011

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-21 06:55
  • 签到天数: 342 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2011-5-1 14:32:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    本帖最后由 kito89 于 2011-5-1 14:37 编辑


    F.I.R. 『創世紀』 大馬演唱會730華麗降臨默迪卡體育場


    “我們的愛 過了就不再回來 直到現在 我還默默的等待...” <<我們的愛>>

    “天上的風 被誰推開 溫暖的手 是你的愛 我還在等待 等待你的愛 真實呼喊!”<<刺鳥>>

    還記得首首F.I.R. 讓人感動的金曲嗎? 回憶起F.I.R.的音樂為您們的生命旅途寫下不一樣的旅程碑嗎?

    繼三年前來馬的F.I.R. 將再次來到馬來西亞舉辦演唱會, 聲勢更浩大, 音樂更感動, 舞台更絢麗! 由東方娛樂Dream Music Production主辦F.I.R. 『創世紀』It’s My Live 巡迴演唱會馬來西亞站將在7月30日於大馬Stadium Merdeka華麗登場.  想一睹F.I.R.現場表演的功力的你就絕不能錯過這場全馬唯一的一場的演唱會囉!

    F.I.R. 在香港跟新加坡的『創世紀』巡演都取得非常好的口碑. 這次他們在馬來西亞的演唱會將史無前例的使用超過200架大型LED螢幕營造華炫的視覺效果, 加上12位辦過無數場大小演唱會的著名樂手如Kenn C, Jimmy Lee, Daniel Chai 等人, 勢必要為這次馬來西亞的演唱會帶來前所未有的視覺與聽覺效果上的突破. 這次的演唱會將陳述F.I.R. 過去6年的成長過程,首首耳熟能詳的歌曲將會以全新的編曲呈現給觀眾,勢必帶來一場华丽的演出。

    藉著新專輯亞特蘭提斯的推出,這次F.I.R.大馬『創&#8231;世紀』It’s My Live演唱會將會結合新專輯的一些愛爾蘭曲風與演以往大家熟悉的華麗搖滾, 為大馬歌迷帶來不一樣的『創&#8231;世紀』。主題為人類生存3個最基本元素『空氣(風) 、陽光 (火) 、水 (海) 』FAYE代表空氣,象徵著其甜美的歌聲像自然中的空氣般不可或缺. 阿沁代表陽光, 反映出其對音樂創作的熱誠從不冷卻, 他帶給大家的音樂就如陽光般的充滿活力源源不絕. 老師則代表水,這象徵著其身為F.I.R.團長應有的肚量, 犹如大海般寬闊包容. 除此之外, F.I.R.也希望藉著這次演唱會傳達出對灾難國的鼓勵, 希望各位在這天灾人禍不斷的時刻, 勇敢的面對努力重建並為大家的未來開創屬于自己的新世紀.

    于5月1日至5月14日购买的任何票价将享有10%折扣的优惠.5月7日, 星期六下午兩點開始Fahrenheit88廣場3樓Signature IT將設有售票櫃檯; 傍晚更能在現場購買新專輯<<亚特兰提斯>>.F.I.R. 將在晚上7點半親臨現場為演唱會與新專輯舉辦簽唱會, 凡购買演唱會票以及<<亚特兰提斯>>专辑就能在5月7日的签唱会向F.I.R.索取亲笔签名; 购买VIP票(RM368) 的歌迷更能与F.I.R.合影以作纪念. 由于专辑数量有限,歌迷们千万不要错过这次难得的机会哦.

    请留守www.facebook.com/FIR.ITSMYLIVE.MY 以获取更多第一手消息或拨打Ticketpro热线03-7880 7999.


    F.I.R. ‘Genesis’ It’s My Live Concert (Malaysia)

    What was the last song by F.I.R. you listened that has deeply touched your heart? How did F.I.R.’s music become a milestone in your life journey throughout these six years?

    Coming with many brilliant feedbacks gained from ‘Genesis’ in Hong Kong and Singapore in 2010, F.I.R. will be touring in Malaysia this year, with more exciting music and an ever-glamorous stage design. Since their last visit to Malaysia in 2008, bring to you by Dream Music Production – F.I.R. ‘Genesis’ It’s My Live world concert tour (Malaysia) will be held on 30th July 2011 at Stadium Merdeka. Do not miss this valuable and ONLY opportunity to witness F.I.R.’s live performance on stage in Malaysia!

    In their concert in Malaysia, over 200 LED monitors will be used to create a stimulating and enchanting visual effect. Together with twelve fully experienced concert band players e.g. Jenn C, Jimmy Lee and Daniel Chai, Dream Music Production is committed to bring to you the greatest breakthrough ever in terms of visual and sound effects.  During the ‘Genesis’, F.I.R. will share with you their life journeys in the past six years, as well as every familiar pop songs in their green recreated music arrangement.

    Through the recent release of their album, the F.I.R. ‘Genesis’ It’s My Live concert (Malaysia) will combine different genre of music such as Jazz, Blues into their most well known Pop Rock style, to create a unique ‘Genesis’ to the audience in Malaysia. The themes will be the three fundamental elements in human nature – Air (wind), Sun (fire), and Water (sea); Faye is symbolising the air, a beautiful voice which couldn’t be ignored like our fundamental living factor. Sun symbolised by Real’s creativity and his unlimited passion in music, bringing warmth and hope to the audiences. And they blended up by Ian, the producer of the group, symbolising water which reignites all the elements in live. Besides, F.I.R. wish to deliver the message and supports to the countries which suffered from natural disasters recently, for them to stay strong and regain hope in their live, together with all these around the world, to start a whole new world, and a stronger life, a proper meaning of Genesis.

    There is a 10% discount early bird promotion start from 1 May until 14 May. A meet & greet session will be held on the 7th of May (Saturday) in Signature IT located on Fahrenheit 88 Level 3. Don’t miss out the opportunity to meet F.I.R. in person!! For those who have bought both the concert tickets and their latest album <Atlantis>, you are eligible to claim an autograph from F.I.R.!! Furthermore, for those who bought VIP concert tickets (RM368), you are eligible to have a photoshoot session with F.I.R.!!  

    Keep track on our official Facebook Fan Page www.facebook.com/FIR.ITSMYLIVE.MY or contact Ticketpro at 03-7880 7999 for latest information update.

    Venue Layout:


    Ticket Prices:


    Terms & Conditions:

    &#8226;Ticket Prices above include RM3 Ticketing Fee
    &#8226;Children aged 3 years and above require ticket for entry
    &#8226;1 ticket admits 1 person only, no sharing of seats
    &#8226;Strictly NO DSLR camera and video recording are allowed.
    &#8226;Once tickets are sold, STRICTLY NO exchanges, cancellations OR lost ticket will be entertained.
    &#8226;RM25 re-printing fee will be ONLY charged for damaged tickets.
    &#8226;Please read and understand the Conditions of Sale before purchasing ticket

    FROM:http://www.ticketpro.com.my/jnp/ ... -malaysia-2011.html
    飞儿乐团全球歌迷网【www.firfans.com】kito89 收集整理

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    2017-8-23 09:15
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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-21 06:55
  • 签到天数: 342 天

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